Taq 2X MeanGreen™ MasterMix

Product Details
Taq 2X MeanGreen™ MasterMix:
Supplied as a 2X reaction buffer with Loading Dye, dCTP, dGTP, dATP, dTTP, MgCl2 and Taq DNA polymerase. Taq DNA Polymerase gene was isolated from Thermus aquaticus YT1 and expressed in E. coli. Empirical's Taq 2X MeanGreen™ MasterMix is easy to use, versatile, and provides excellent amplification for many PCR based applications. Just add template and primers with the MeanGreen™ MasterMix and the reaction is ready to go.
Taq 2X MeanGreen™ MasterMix contains blue and yellow loading dyes and a density agent that allow reactions to be loaded directly onto agarose gels and make monitoring progress during electrophoresis easy. These dyes do not obscure visualization of DNA bands on the gel as the dye fronts run outside the size of most PCR products.